
Benefits, Claims & Eligibility

Your member account provides secure, 24/7 access to important information regarding your benefits, claims, and eligibility:

  • Claims history
  • Explanation of benefits
  • Eligibility
  • Summary plan description
  • Deductible and out-of-pocket accumulators
  • ID cards
  • Customer service

Go to portal (dates of service on or after 1/1/2023)

Go to portal (dates of service before 1/1/2023)

NOTE: To register for the Secure Health Portal, you will need your current ID card


Provider Directory

To access your provider directory, please visit the link below and enter the two or three-digit group number on your Secure Health ID card.

Search Provider Directory

Services listed in the directory are not necessarily covered by your plan. Please verify coverage with your Plan Administrator or call customer service at 800.648.7563.


To access member claims forms, please visit the link below.
Go to member claims forms

Pre-Authorization Requirements

For a list of procedures that require pre-authorization, please visit the link below.
Go to pre-authorization list

My Road to Wellness

My Road to Wellness allows you to complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), maintain your own personal health record and receive care gap alerts. Additionally, members will have access to a host of interactive risk calculators and tracking tools for diet, exercise, blood sugar, blood pressure, and more.

Click here to complete your HRA

My Road to Wellness Portal