Germs spread from simply touching something that is infected with them. You can spread germs just from simply touchinga door handle and then touching your face.
Not all germs are harmful to the human body. Some help to keep you very healthy and others can make you very sick.
Handwashing is one of the single most important things that one can do to help protect the spread of germs.
Wash your hands, even when they don’t look dirty. Here are some times that are important to wash your hands:
After using the Restroom
Blowing your nose, wiping your nose and or sneezing
Before and after preparing food
Before and after eating meal
Putting in or taking out contact lenses
Taking care of someone who is sick or being around someone who is sick. Ex. Cleaning a wound, cut or scrap
Always make sure that when you do wash your hands that you are washing for at least 20 seconds ( sing happy birthday song x2), using soap and hot water, and don’t forget to not touch the sink or door handle on your way out. Use the towel in which you dried your hands to touch these objects.